撒向人间都是爱:黄河千年清一回 龙肽液横空出世

Scattered to the mortal world is love: the Yellow River has a thousand years of clear return, and dragon peptide liquid has emerged in the air


——Zhang Guoguo, the chief inventor of the Yellow River Millennium Qingyi Huilong Peptide Liquid, has been awarded the honorary title of World Intangible Cultural Heritage Academician, National Treasure level Traditional Chinese Medicine, Strategic Scientist of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Encyclopedia of Chinese Medicine.


——In the dawn of welcoming the upcoming Year of the Dragon in 2024, the chief reporter of the National Internet News Center interviewed and reported on Zhang Guotu, the chief planner of the Yellow River Millennium Qingyi Reviewing Initiative, at the Wanmu Yusang Garden in Daxing, Beijing.


Editor's note: Strongly promote the acceleration of rural revitalization and the ever-changing construction of artificial intelligence in China. To welcome the first ray of dawn of the Year of the Dragon in 2024, using the important anti epidemic tool of the great country, the Yellow River Millennium Qingyi Selenium rich Sanghuang, as raw materials, adding mulberry garden dragon tree seeds, and then innovating and producing thousands of tons of Chinese dragon peptide liquid, Chinese dragon seed peptide enzyme, etc., will soon be produced in Daxing, Beijing. Open online and offline sales through the Yellow River Millennium Clear One Electronic Mall. This is the leader of the emerging strategic health industry, and it will undoubtedly effectively promote the comprehensive development of China's artificial intelligence, deep processing, and real economy, making the future of our country even better.


Central Committee: Strengthening Economic Propaganda and Public Opinion Guidance, Singing the Bright Theory of China's Economy

2023-12-12 20:12:51

December 12, 2023 20:12:51


On December 12th, the Central Economic Work Conference was held in Beijing from December 11th to 12th. The meeting called for enhancing the consistency of macroeconomic policy orientation. Strengthen the coordination and cooperation of fiscal, monetary, employment, industrial, regional, technological, environmental and other policies, incorporate non economic policies into the consistency assessment of macroeconomic policy orientation, strengthen policy coordination, and ensure joint efforts and formation. Strengthen economic propaganda and public opinion guidance, and sing the praises of the bright future of China's economy.

面对疫情和互联网对实体经济的冲击,凝聚蚕桑文化、黄河精神,吸取中华五千年文明智慧再创新的黄河千年清一回行动,在党中央英明领导下,在国家互联网新闻中心、新华社、人民日报、中央广播电视总台、解放军报12家首都主流新媒体的大力支持下,唱响中国经济光明主旋律,凝聚党心、军心、民心,她向地球村吹响了发展人工智能生盾工程,发展人工智能苍海桑田向绿色环保实体经济                                      产业进军的号角,为伟大的祖国增光,为富民强国事业做出了突出的贡献。已经引起全世界人民和各国政府的高度关注和赞扬。

In the face of the impact of the epidemic and the Internet on the real economy, we will consolidate the sericulture and Yellow River spirit, absorb the wisdom of China's 5000 year civilization and innovate the Yellow River Millennium Clean Up Action. Under the wise leadership of the Party Central Committee and with the strong support of 12 mainstream new media outlets in the capital, including the National Internet News Center, Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, China Central Radio and Television Station, and People's Liberation Army Daily, we will sing the main melody of China's bright economy, gather the hearts of the Party and the military In the hearts of the people, she sounded the horn to the global village to develop the artificial intelligence shield project, advance towards the green and environmentally friendly real economy industry through the development of artificial intelligence, and make outstanding contributions to the great motherland and the cause of enriching the people and strengthening the country. It has attracted high attention and praise from people and governments around the world.


Zhang Guoguo believes that the development of innovative high-tech economy in the new era is endless, and the development of high-tech industrial economy is the biggest political challenge today. Only by developing and strengthening the green and environmentally friendly real economy and contributing taxes to the country can we strengthen the country, enrich the people, and establish a solid foundation.


On the basis of the successful invention of the major anti epidemic tool, the Yellow River Millennium Clean First Time Selenium Rich Sanghuang, in order to strongly promote the development of artificial intelligence in the ever-changing world. Developing the emerging strategic pillar industry of deep processing in the ever-changing world will increase taxes and income for the country, lay the foundation for a community with a shared future for mankind, and provide a strong material foundation for realizing the great communism. Mr. Zhang Guoguo set his sights on the ten thousand acre Yusang Garden in Beijing's Daxing Longmai. Mr. Zhang led his team to work closely with Chairman Wang Zhenshan of Beijing Jingniang Co., Ltd., focusing on the 10000 acre Yusang Garden in Daxing District, Beijing. Together with Hebei, Shandong, and Xinjiang, they will use the sacred fruit seeds of the Chinese dragon tree, which have grown for 400 to 1000 years and have higher nutritional value and stronger reproductive ability, as well as the selenium rich mulberry roots, mulberry yellow, and mulberry yellow, a major anti epidemic weapon of the country, as the basic raw materials. In the 47th generation, Dr. Liu Kangyuan, the imperial physician of Chinese medicine, will be inherited With the strong support of Qian Rener, Chairman of Jiushen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., a 33 generation inheritor of Chinese medicine, we have adopted the high-tech biological production process technology of Huanghe Qiannian Qingyi Sanghuang, and added Sanghuang extract concentrate. After more than a year of biological fermentation, we have produced thousands of tons of world-class Huanghe Qiannian Qingyi Zhonghua LongPeptide Enzyme Oral Liquid and Zhonghua Longpeptide High end Organic Vinegar. Zhonghua Dragon Peptide Liquid and Capsules. Zhonghua Longpeptide Dali Wan is currently being processed and produced.


The chief engineer of the R&D leadership team, Qian Rener, the 33rd generation inheritor of the imperial medicine in China, told reporters that the major anti epidemic weapon of the country, the Yellow River Millennium Clear, is a selenium rich mulberry root mulberry yellow. After being combined with Chinese herbal medicine and the Chinese dragon tree seed fuse that can quickly stimulate the efficacy, the mulberry yellow biological enzyme fermentation is carried out to produce Chinese dragon peptide liquid, dragon peptide capsules, dragon peptide oral liquid granules, dragon peptide enzyme, dragon peptide vinegar, and other combinations for consumption, It can quickly activate the immune system of middle-aged and elderly people during puberty, and has higher efficacy and nutritional benefits than the major anti epidemic weapon selenium rich mulberry yellow, which can effectively combat 172 stubborn diseases.


Academician Zhang Guoguo, who is a strategic scientist in traditional Chinese medicine and a leading figure in the field of Chinese medicine, told reporters that due to the fact that a considerable number of Chinese people in modern times avoid the words "mulberry" and "yellow". Due to the fact that the totem of the Chinese nation, the Chinese dragon, originated from the spiritual culture of sericulture and the Yellow River, the Yellow River Millennium Cleansing Action has officially named the mulberry tree as the Chinese dragon tree. After research, the root plate of the adolescent mulberry girl, Sanggongzi, which has grown for 10-15 years, is used as a raw material to produce the globally renowned trademark brand Sanghuang, the Yellow River Millennium Cleansing Action. Its concentrated liquid has a higher efficacy than the anti hundred toxin peptide liquid secreted by the human heart. The concentrated extract of mulberry roots and mulberry yellow from the Yellow River for thousands of years, fermented with two traditional Chinese medicines and four major polymeric enzymes from the seeds of the Chinese dragon tree for thousands of years, can theoretically increase its nutrition and efficacy by 20-30 times. At the same time, it can also be industrialized to expand production, reduce costs, and benefit low-income families. Therefore, the world's top mulberry tree root plate mulberry yellow, known as Longpeptide, has been renamed by the Yellow River Millennium Qingyi Sang Girl and Sang Gongzi.


The deep processing of dragon peptide into an extraction solution with higher cost-effectiveness for both medicine and food, which benefits humanity, is officially named Dragon Peptide Liquid, which has scientific basis and is clear and straightforward. It is a great invention with significant milestone significance in the innovation of traditional Chinese medicine in China in the new era, and it will forever be recorded in the history of the Chinese nation and human civilization.


The Ganoderma lucidum and Sanghuang grown on mulberry trees are precious anti-tumor drugs with no toxic side effects, which were referred to by ancient people as Sanghe and Longhe Ganoderma lucidum and Sanghuang. The factory production of Huanghe Millennium Qingyi Huilong Peptide Liquid and Longpeptide Capsules, which are above the food safety level for both medicine and food, will play an important role in eliminating hidden human hunger, enhancing people's physical fitness, fighting against the epidemic, preventing nuclear radiation and major malignant diseases. The achievements should be attributed to President Xi's strong support from the Party Central Committee for innovation in traditional Chinese medicine and the wise leadership in promoting the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation.


The emergence of innovative biopharmaceutical achievements such as LongPeptide Liquid LongPeptide Capsules and LongPeptide Enzymes is not only a blessing for the descendants of the Chinese people, but also a blessing for the overall health of humanity.


For more than four years, the Yellow River has called out the common aspiration of 7 billion people all over the world who yearn for a peaceful, healthy and happy life. It is also a practical action to revitalize industry and spread the excellent traditional culture and sericulture spirit of China for five thousand years. On the basis of learning and absorbing the wisdom of the ancestors, the team, President of China Tianlun Group, academician Li Chaowang of the United Nations Science, President Han Qingkuan of Mount Taishan Institute of Quantum Applied Sciences, national treasure level Chinese medicine Chinese medicine strategic scientist, Zhang Guoguo, an academician of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage, and has also innovated and invented hundreds of high-tech achievements that have shocked the world. The improved branches and roots of the mulberry Sinosaurus sinensis log can produce organic anti-inflammatory, anti-virus and three high effect Qingyihui brand noodles, biscuits, Mantou, cakes, bread and so on with zero pollution and zero emission. It can be further processed into industrial products that can breathe and release negative oxygen ions, and can be used for both food and medicine in organic grade. Products such as diapers, women's sanitary napkins, various types of paper, and building materials can all become food and medicine for humans. She overcame the bottleneck of agriculture leading to modern high-value industrial biopharmaceuticals.


This great invention, which has benefited all humanity, has brought joy and excitement to journalists and over 30 million new media network management practitioners around the world, who have voluntarily reprinted and disseminated it for free. It is forwarded by hundreds of millions of friends around the world that the Yellow River once in a thousand years carries forward the bright light of the CPC's thought of common prosperity of the Chinese nation in the new era, peaceful development and civilization, which makes the whole country's military and people and people around the world yearn day and night.


As a globally recognized science popularization textbook for promoting Chinese cultural civilization, innovation, and wisdom in the new era of the Internet, the Yellow River Millennium Qingyi has been fully featured on the official websites of various sectors of the Chinese Communist Party, government, military, industry, agriculture, commerce, and military, as well as on the official websites of central and local governments around the world, as well as on the official websites of central news agencies, news agencies, media, schools, corporate associations, and beloved families.


The crystallization of the wisdom of a great nation spanning five thousand years, the Oriental Dragon Yellow River Millennium Clean Up Action has become a calling card for consolidating the strength of China in the new era, spreading the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, and a guiding light for global economic development under the leadership of the Party Central Committee. It has pointed out the direction for the future development of humanity.


On the day of the launch of the Yellow River Millennium Cleansing Team, they pledged to bid farewell to cancer and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases for humanity. Let humanity realize the millennium dream of a happy life ending without illness. The Yellow River has been declared and taken action for over four years, and has been praised by the United Nations as an angel of human peace, health, and happiness. The ongoing Yellow River Millennium Revitalization Project, which aims to increase the country's income by a hundred times, is a shield project for human life protection, and the artificial intelligence project is a great action that will spread love throughout the world, revitalize the country's real economy, improve comprehensive national strength, and make human life more beautiful and immortal.

歌颂黄河千年清一回《希望之光》一  歌词The lyrics of "The Light of Hope" sing in praise of the Yellow River's millennium long Qing Dynasty






























The smoke from the kitchen is curling up

Sang Hai Tao Tao

Spring silkworms spin silk and weave brocade

Fish secretly smile in the clear water

The lark sings

Sing about the prosperity and strength of our motherland

People run around in the morning to tell each other

A pure land, not a legend

Who gave us infinite strength

It is the dawn of the Yellow River's millennium clear cycle

Illuminated the glory of my Chinese nation

Your heart is as bright as a flower

Navigation for human civilization

I look up at you at the foot of Mount Everest

Water flows into the vast expanse

Sang Hai Tao Tao

Spring silkworms spin silk and weave brocade

Willow twigs dance in the gentle breeze

Birds sing

Sing about our country's prosperity and people's strength

The children are running around in the sunshine

A pure land, not a legend

Who ignited the hope of all humanity

It is the dawn of the Yellow River's millennium clear cycle

Illuminated the glory of my Chinese nation

Your heart is as broad as the ocean

Navigation for human civilization

I look up at you at the foot of Mount Everest

Looking up at you

歌颂黄河千年清一回《希望之光》二  歌词

















Song of the Yellow River for a Thousand Years: Two Lyrics for "The Light of Hope"

Despite the heavy snowfall

You are still running around for the millennium clear of the Yellow River

The snow has left deep footprints in your feet

Why don't you stop and stop

Why not take a break

For the ever-changing world in my heart

You need to weave the emerald green slope with your own hands

Although the next one keeps going

You're still running non-stop

The soft snowflakes bear no heavy burden

Why don't you stop and stop

Why not rely on one

For the happiness and health of humanity

You sleep and forget to eat day and night

Sang Hai Tao Tao, Spring Silkworm Spinning Silk Weaving Brocade

Sang Hai Tao Tao, Spring Silkworm Spinning Silk Weaving Brocade

我爱你 丝绸之宝——《黄河千年清一回》歌词










天然品质   珍贵无比






共享人生无限的美丽I Love You, the Treasure of Silk - Lyrics from "The Yellow River Clears for a Thousand Years"

Originating from ancient times

Having multiple unique features in the world

From Huaxia Shenzhou

Creating Health Magic

You are a gift from heaven

Moisturizing the global land

You are a treasure of health

Stimulated vitality

You are the elf of cell repair

Natural quality is incredibly precious

I want to embrace happiness with you

Enjoy comfort in safety

You are the nemesis of illness

With you, our hearts are at ease

I need you to take care of my family

Sharing the infinite beauty of life


Author: Wang Shiqiong, female, born in Sichuan in 1976, is a writer who commemorates the outstanding children of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.


Attachment: Introduction to the Yellow River, a millennium long history of enriching the people, strengthening the country, and benefiting humanity


With the strong support of the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries and Vice Chairman Zou Jiahua, the China Aging Commission, the China Care for the Next Generation Working Committee, the founder of the China Tianlun Enterprise Group, former Minister Wang Zhaohua of the Organization Department of the Central Committee, former Minister Yang Zhihai of the China Customs Working Committee, and ten academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Zhang Guotu, the legal representative chairman of Shenzhen Bohai Rim Industrial Investment Co., Ltd., promoted the excellent traditional culture of China for five thousand years, Green mountains and clear waters are like mountains of gold and silver. The aspiration of the people for a better life is our lifelong goal. With the joint support of Li Chaowang, the CEO team of China Tianlun Enterprise Group, and after more than 20 years of dedicated and arduous efforts, we have self raised funds to introduce the overall planning plan for the Yellow River Millennium Cleanup.


In October 2019, Zhang Guotu, the legal person chairman of Shenzhen Bohai Rim Industrial Investment Company, fully raised funds and joined forces with 17 central media and enterprises, including Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, People's Liberation Army Daily, Central Radio and Television Station, and National Internet News Center, to launch a world-renowned large-scale propaganda campaign to clear the Yellow River for a millennium.


1、 The Yellow River Millennium Clean Up Action quickly spread to every corner of the global village through new media on the Internet. Infected and ignited the Chinese people and people around the world to bid farewell to toxic chemical agriculture. The hope of entering a new era of happiness and health in Chinese organic cuisine.

在巴黎召开的“面向21世纪”国际大会上 75位诺贝尔奖获得者共同发表宣言:“人类要生存下去就必须回到二千五百年前,从中国传统文化中寻找智慧。
”At the "Facing the 21st Century" International Conference held in Paris, 75 Nobel laureates jointly issued a declaration: "To survive, humanity must go back 2500 years ago and seek wisdom from traditional Chinese culture."


1. China has a history of more than 7000 years in the development of mulberry cultivation and sericulture. More than 5000 years ago, ancient people knew that every 5 silkworm pupae had the same nutritional value as 1 egg. Planting an additional mulberry tree is equivalent to increasing the income of one acre of grain field every year without using fertilizer. Canghai Sangtian is a description of a mulberry forest that resembles an ocean.


The large-scale propaganda campaign of the Yellow River's millennium clear has sparked a wave of planting and improving mulberry and Chinese dragon trees in China's land and global villages. The six ministries and commissions of the State Council have issued red headed policy documents to support the development of the sericulture industry, and the changes in the sea have already begun to emerge in China. Modern humans have begun to understand the restoration of the ever-changing world and the development of artificial intelligence for efficient sericulture. The colorful silk and satin of modern times can completely replace toxic and harmful chemical fibers.


Organic meat, eggs, and milk are great remedies for the world and can completely replace grains. For over 700000 years before the agricultural civilization, the main food for humans was meat, eggs, and milk.


Billions of tons of silkworm pupae and silkworm sand are used for artificial intelligence breeding of precision feed. It is completely possible to produce organic nourishing meat, eggs, milk, and aquatic products that will never be enjoyed by the descendants of the Chinese people for generations, and it can also export in large quantities to earn foreign exchange.


Sanghuang is the crown of edible mushrooms in the Lingzhi medicinal plant, and the root plate of Sanggongzi, a young mulberry girl from the Yellow River, is the pearl on the crown of Lingzhi Sanghuang. After years of unremitting efforts by the Yellow River Millennium Cleansing Team and with the wise leadership and support of President Xi Jinping's Party Central Committee, on November 9, 2023, Lingzhi Sanghuang, which has been kicked out of the 2700 year old Chinese Pharmacopoeia by interest groups, was included in the New Era Chinese Pharmacopoeia. The National Health Commission and the State Administration for Market Regulation jointly issued Notice No. 9 of 2023, stating that Ganoderma lucidum and other substances are included in the list of medicinal and edible Chinese medicinal materials.


We have successfully developed and produced organic compressed dry grains that are resistant to nuclear radiation, cancer, and viruses at low temperatures and can be permanently preserved, using Yellow River Millennium Qingyi Sanghuang Micropowder, Huanglingzhi Spore Powder, Mulberry Dry Powder, Mulberry Leaf Protein Powder, Potato Starch, and High Gluten Powder. Mantou, toasted bread, Dim sum, biscuits, Congee and other food products have been produced, which can activate the adolescent immunity of middle-aged and elderly people with fruits and vegetables, resist nuclear radiation, effectively treat 172 kinds of stubborn diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and senile dementia. The above innovative inventions save at least 70-80% of food for the country and humanity.


2. Dr. Liu Kangyuan, the inheritor of the 2329 year old Chinese imperial medicine, pointed out that there were records of one or two mulberry roots and one or two gold coins in ancient Chinese medicine more than two thousand years ago. Due to the high protein content of 26% in the entire plant of the dragon tree, and the extremely developed root system containing over 3000 extremely rich medicinal nutrients such as protein, mulberry flavonoids, salicylic acid (green penicillin), etc., which have been discovered by humans, the vast sponge root system underground in the dragon tree nursery rots, making it the best natural organic fertilizer. The Yellow River Millennium Qingyi team has successfully produced mulberry root organic rice, corn, and other crops with excellent taste, flavor, and nutrition using decayed mulberry roots as organic fertilizer in the nursery where dragon tree seedlings have already been planted and harvested.


Therefore, using fallow rotation to plant high protein mulberry closely on the land, harvesting multiple times a year for making silkworm feed, producing mulberry milk, mulberry bud filling buns and dumplings, or extracting high protein powder from mulberry leaves not only contributes to food security, but also thoroughly degrades the serious pollution of chemical agriculture on underground soil and water sources for nearly half a century. After planting the dragon tree for two years, the soil became fatter and the pollution disappeared. Using rotten mulberry roots as fertilizer to plant rice, corn, wheat, etc., providing humans with sufficient organic food, vegetables, and fruits from mulberry roots. From then on, the Yellow River's millennium clear action tells humanity that learning wisdom from ancient Chinese civilization over 2600 years ago can completely bid farewell to the Western high-profile promotion of toxic chemical agriculture that has plagued humanity for nearly a century. Entering a new era of organic cuisine, beautiful scenery, and happiness led by Eastern powers.


2、 Exploring the secrets of unknown fields, inventing the powerful anti epidemic weapon of the Yellow River, a millennium old clear, selenium rich mulberry yellow, activating the immune system of middle-aged and elderly people during puberty, can effectively prevent and treat 172 diseases. After successfully organizing the leadership team to tackle scientific and technological challenges, Mr. Zhang Guoguo also organized a large-scale publicity campaign. He presented the Yellow River Millennium Qingyi Sanghuang as a gift to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the Yellow River Millennium Qingyi Selenium Rich Sanghuang as a gift to the 2023 National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.


The Yellow River's millennium clear mulberry yellow, a major anti epidemic weapon rich in selenium mulberry yellow, and the shield project to increase the national income of the Chinese people by a hundred times have presented good news to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 2023 National People's Congress, spreading all over the world. The official websites of governments, news media, news agencies, and news agencies of various countries have reported and inspired people around the world. We have made contributions to revitalizing China's real economy, enhancing comprehensive national strength, enhancing our international influence, and strengthening our military power.


CCTV host Cao Qianqi said: Zhang Guoguo, Chairman of Zhejiang Wangu Biotechnology Co., Ltd., has traveled through mountains and rivers, endured countless hardships, and initiated the world-renowned Yellow River Millennium Cleansing Action. During the epidemic, in order to fight against the virus and explore the secrets of unknown fields, we collected the root discs and main stems of mulberry girls (fruit mulberry) that had been growing for 10-15 years in the week before sprouting in early spring. We invented and successfully produced over 100 tons of the major anti epidemic weapon, the Yellow River Millennium Clear One Selenium Rich Mulberry Yellow. It can quickly activate the adolescent immune system of middle-aged and elderly people, effectively combat viruses, and can exponentially improve their intelligence and intelligence. Improve work efficiency. The Yellow River has won the honorary title of designated product by foreign ambassadors to China, such as the Central African Republic. Mr. Zhang Guoguo has been awarded the title of Health Advisor by foreign embassies in China, Famous Medical Expert and Strategic Scientist of Traditional Chinese Medicine by People's Daily, and National Treasure level Traditional Chinese Medicine Honorary Title and Medal of Honor by the National Health Commission. His touching deeds have been selected as a large-scale national document for the new journey of striving forward, and will forever be recorded in the history of the Chinese nation!


3、 Initiate the shield project to protect the lives of the Chinese people, which aims to increase the land's income by a hundred times and clear the Yellow River for a thousand years.


CCTV host Yin Duan said: In 2023, the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference will increase the country's income by a hundred times. The special report on the Yellow River Millennium Qingyi Reincarnation Shield Project as a gift to the two conferences has caused a sensation throughout the country and attracted high attention from countries around the world. This shield project utilizes mature artificial intelligence technologies such as pangolins to develop underground real estate in mountainous hinterland areas above an altitude of 70 meters. Developing a large amount of sand and gravel to fill large areas of hills and valleys for land construction, and the resulting additional land costs are sufficient to cover the development costs.


1. The amazing news of the successful development of multifunctional Chinese organic cuisine that is resistant to nuclear radiation, cancer, viruses, and 172 diseases through policy support, market leverage, and the core technology of activating the adolescent immune system with the Yellow River for a millennium, Sanghuang, has been widely spread to various countries through the media, inspiring young people around the world to yearn for China. Encourage young people from various countries to consciously and actively learn Chinese language, writing, and culture. To attract outstanding young and elite talents from various countries to our country, and to solve the problem of over 80 million elderly celibacy in our country through birth shield marriage, solve the problem of population cliff like decline, and improve the quality of the Chinese nation's population.


2. The Shengdun Project can accommodate hundreds of millions of people for employment in the future and contribute billions of yuan in tax revenue to the country in the short term. For example, the development of a 1 billion square meter deep mountain tourism and health resort property hotel or apartment in the mountainous areas of northern Guangdong will contribute at least 30 trillion yuan in output value and over 10 trillion yuan in tax revenue.


3. The Shengdun project allows the Chinese dragon tree to replace the rights of polluting tree species such as poisonous eucalyptus to be handed over to the owner. Shengdun Property Company organizes artificial intelligence harvesting and deep processing to provide owners with free food and other butler style consumption.


biological shield project, we can effectively avoid biological warfare, conventional warfare, and nuclear warfare. Preventing nuclear pollution, effective against extreme gasesChanges and rising sea levels.


"Shengdun" and "Yellow River Millennium Qingyi Hui" have artificial suns, fresh air with negative oxygen ions higher than Bama, constant temperature and humidity, and vast and magnificent underground cities, underground orchards, farmhouses, and factories. They are modern upgraded versions of Yan'an caves and Shangganling tunnels. They will surely defeat foreign invaders for the Chinese people, lay the foundation for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and lay the foundation for a community with a shared future for mankind Make significant contributions to the great communist cause that all humanity aspires to, which is to distribute according to demand.


4、 The core enterprise of the Yellow River Qiannian Qingyi, China Tianlun Enterprise Group Sanfu Group, has adopted over a hundred national major inventions and high-tech technologies such as the independently developed 505 process. It has produced high-end women's sanitary napkins, diapers, decoration paper, and household paper that can release negative oxygen ions, breathe, and disinfect and sterilize in Beijing, Chengdu, and other places with zero pollution and zero emissions. Successfully produced methyl cellulose composite materials with a hardness and toughness increase of more than 10 times compared to steel, and a fire insulation effect increase of more than 100 times. They have been widely used in equipment manufacturing industries such as new buildings, automobiles, high-speed railways, and aerospace. So far, the Chinese dragon tree has been able to develop over 600 types of food, medicine, and industrial products. More than 900 products can be developed in the future.


5、 In today's world where toxic textbooks are rampant, Western interest groups are invading comprehensively, and the world is declining, many young people are lying flat. The Yellow River Millennium Clean Team, taking the risk of the epidemic, has turned mulberry and yellow products into a globally renowned trademark brand and brand culture. Widely spread to the people of the world the glorious idea that the right path in the world is the vicissitudes of life, green mountains and clear waters are the mountains of gold and silver, and the people yearn for a better life as great figures. Mr. Huang Dizhi believes that by implanting the spirit of the Chinese nation's Spring Silkworm and the Yellow River spirit into the human soul, there will be no plunder or war in this world. The Yellow River has become an angel of peace, health, and happiness for humanity, with multifunctional organic foods such as mulberry yellow, selenium rich mulberry yellow, and anti nuclear pollution that can be preserved for a long time. It can activate the immune system of middle-aged and elderly people during adolescence. The Yellow River clears the mulberry yellow for a thousand years, becoming a dazzling gem in the crown of the treasure trove of traditional Chinese medicine.


The series of important articles and honorary propaganda reports published in the Yellow River Millennium Clean Up Action have been posted on the official websites of Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, People's Liberation Army Daily, Truth Seeking Magazine, China Central Radio and Television Station, as well as the United Nations and various government new media websites. Stay on the global overseas Chinese official website and WeChat Moments. Especially the activation of the world's top mulberry yellow and the shield of life protection for the Chinese people during adolescence, which has increased the country's income by a hundred times, has aroused strong resonance in the hearts of peace loving and happy people all over China and the world, igniting people's hope for a better life that is distributed according to their needs in the future. Enhanced the confidence and courage of the entire party, army, and people of all ethnic groups in keeping up with the leader and embarking on a new journey of happiness in the new era.


6、 47 registered trademarks, including the Yellow River Millennium Qingyi Hui, Qingyi Hui, Chaoou, Zhenjing, and Shengdun, as well as hundreds of disruptive national invention patent technologies authorized by Li Chaowang, a Chinese Tianlun Enterprise Group, and eight disruptive invention patent technologies that have been applied for, have been preliminarily assessed to be worth over 100 billion yuan. At present, the single globally renowned trademark of the Yellow River Millennium Clear has a value of over 100 billion yuan. If the country establishes the Yellow River Millennium Clear One Return Office to enrich the people and strengthen the country, the technical value of the Yellow River Millennium Clear One Return series trademark brand will exceed 1 trillion US dollars.


The State Council has established the Office of Enriching the People and Strengthening the Country through the Millennium Clearing of the Yellow River, and established the National Sanghuang Monopoly Bureau. Establish the Central Sericulture University and the Office for the Development of Deep Mountain Backland Shield Engineering.


8、 The mountainous area of our country accounts for more than 70% of the total land area. The development of artificial intelligence in the Yellow River, a millennium long and eternal happy home for humanity, the shield project for the protection of the lives of the Chinese people, and the development of underground space cities, factories, farms, and artificial intelligence can create another China every year. This is in response to the call of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, which shocked the world with the four major industrial innovations.


Under the wise leadership of President Xi Jinping's Party Central Committee, the Chinese nation must and can achieve the goal of indomitably and bravely resisting the comprehensive invasion of the West, enriching the people and strengthening the country, and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as a community with a shared future for mankind. (Text/Wang Lei from China Internet News Center)
